
Monday 13 October 2014

Perfect weekends

It's been a busy couple of weeks here but we've had some perfect weekends. 
The sun was out last weekend so ensuring football was packed we headed off to Heaton Park to burn off some energy. Watching blue monkey climb the huge slide not a care in the world makes me realise how grown up he now is - he's certainly not the baby I like to think he is. Pink monkey was happy keeping her feet closer to the ground.
Then off to play football - in the summer the park can be so busy but luckily for us there was lots of space to kick about. All four of us ran around not sure who was the best player.
Then it was off to see the animals and an ice cream treat before dragging everyone up to the highest point of the park.
It was just one of those perfect unplanned afternoons to round off a lovely weekend.

This weekend M and I have been child free. Both nights out at friend's for meals - and I drove so no nasty hangovers. Clothes shopping - I don't want to look at my bank balance! Decorated blue monkeys bedroom - with some help, it's being a long process but nearly done now. Then last night when all jobs were done we had steak for tea and poured some red wine and watched 22 Jump Street - it was just a lovely end to another perfect weekend.

What did you get up to?