
Sunday, 25 August 2013

Why I love this house

Ten reasons why I absolutely love our new home:
1. Our garden - perfect patio for drinking wine and eating, and a lovely garden for the monkeys to play in. 
2. I've been able to buy new items as its ours and I don't plan ever to move again (new sofas, tv, dining table) things I love not just make do.

3. Extra space - the conservatory is brilliant.
4. Kitchen cupboards - lots of them
5. Washing machine in the kitchen - not in a cold garage
6. Following on from point 5 - a space above the washing machine to sort laundry - something deeply satisfying about clean laundry 
7. The chance to redecorate and make the monkeys bedrooms perfect
8. Having such a great cycle way 30 seconds away - already used it lots

9. Being able to hang the washing in the garden (ok I might have gone a bit mad on the washing reasons)

10. It is all mine and it feels like our home already - I just LOVE it.

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