
Sunday, 25 August 2013

Why I love this house

Ten reasons why I absolutely love our new home:
1. Our garden - perfect patio for drinking wine and eating, and a lovely garden for the monkeys to play in. 
2. I've been able to buy new items as its ours and I don't plan ever to move again (new sofas, tv, dining table) things I love not just make do.

3. Extra space - the conservatory is brilliant.
4. Kitchen cupboards - lots of them
5. Washing machine in the kitchen - not in a cold garage
6. Following on from point 5 - a space above the washing machine to sort laundry - something deeply satisfying about clean laundry 
7. The chance to redecorate and make the monkeys bedrooms perfect
8. Having such a great cycle way 30 seconds away - already used it lots

9. Being able to hang the washing in the garden (ok I might have gone a bit mad on the washing reasons)

10. It is all mine and it feels like our home already - I just LOVE it.

Friday, 16 August 2013

One week in

We are all settling into the house - furniture has been built, homes have been found for things and it really is beginning to feel like home.
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, we had a trip to buy school shoes - relatively pain free. Then had a walk on "the lines" a long pathway that follows the old railway lines - it is going to be a great place to run and cycle when we finally get ourselves moving again - or to rephrase when I get myself moving and stop being so damn lazy.
A friend and her little girl visited in the afternoon and it was lovely to watch the monkeys all playing in the garden.
I managed to get lots of washing on the line.

Something that was impossible in our old home. Garden has not been touched yet but luckily it will be easy to keep under control.
I spent Friday evening in the garden drinking wine, eating pizza and reading - a very chilled out night after a busy week ..... I just won't mention the leak from the bathroom!
My friend bought me this as a house warming gift - it sums this house up perfectly.

Friday, 9 August 2013

The start of something wonderful

I'm sat on my lovely new sofa in my lovely new house. The monkeys are tucked up in their new bedrooms fast asleep - the past few days of sorting and doing my best with what we have so far has worked they are both really happy - and I'm so happy to have them both home.
There's a few more things to sort over this weekend but by Monday I think the boxes will be unpacked.
I've had a few surprises since I've moved in and some jobs need doing but that's fine - this is our house its not a rush job we are going to be here for a long time.
This is the picture of my lounge on Weds.
By the end of this weekend it's going to look very different.
Hosting the first gathering here tomorrow as it's my Mum's birthday - so the fridge is full of yummy food and chilled wine.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Woo hooooooo

It has finally happened the day that at one point I never thought would come - I own my own house again. After waiting and waiting I got a call Tuesday saying we hope to complete tomorrow - and that was that 24 hours later the house was mine.
I picked the keys up after work and it was such a funny feeling - the excitement and woah I'm responsible for this feeling all rolled into one. I can't move in til next week - but I will be taking quite a few before pictures because I will have plenty of things to do to keep me busy. So next week it will be roll my sleeves up time and get scrubbing and moving. 
The monkeys are currently with their Dad so I will have a few days to get their bedrooms looking as lovely as possible in the circumstances.
Now I'm off for a little adventure of my own.