
Sunday, 27 October 2013

Where's the time going

I can't believe how quickly the last couple of months have gone and how life is going so well.
The 3 of us have been up to lots. We had a trip to A&E with pink monkey for a nasty cut next to her eye - after getting glued back together it seems to be healing well. Blue monkey had a great parents evening report. We went to Disney on Ice - maybe a bit too princessy for blue this year. They both got Build a Bears for being so good.
I've started decorating the house pink monkey's bedroom is first it's quite a big job so will take a few weeks til it's finished.
I've been enjoying myself - today I went off to Liverpool for some shopping and lunch at Jaime's Italian. 

It's now half term and I've got the next week off to spend some lovely time with the 2 monkeys. Tomorrow we are off to see the dinosaur at Manchester Museum with our friends - blue is very excited.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Busy busy busy

KIt's been an unbelievable busy few weeks here. Blue monkey is settling into year 1 and so far all seems to be going well. Pink monkey is loving pre-school she also has homework to do although she's far too busy telling her big brother what to do with his.

I went to a great work do - it was a fully functioning fairground and one of the best nights I've ever been to. 
I've also organised a cook off at work for all the team - if I say so myself it was a success - and completely original - so am awaiting all the other teams to do it next.
The other weekend I went to the Ramsbottom festival - the rain stayed away saw some great bands and went with a special someone - it was a great day - although I have realised CrabbiesAlcoholic  Ginger Beer is not for me!
Then last night I went to see Wicked with the girls - we've had tickets for 6 months and I had no idea what the show was about but it was brilliant - one of the best stage shows I've seen.

Blue monkey has started tennis and football lessons now - it'a great to see him enjoying all these new things - and means our weekends are busier than ever. Dropped a few balls this week but today managed to pick things up and get back on track - sometimes it feels over whelming making sure everything is sorted for all of us - but luckily that feeling is fleeting and after a day of organising it doesn't feel too bad again.

This week the plan is for us all to go scarecrow hunting - there's 60 scarecrows in various gardens around the local area - so we can go around and find them all and score them. I've promised the monkeys every night after school we'll go and find some - so something fun to look forward to.

This is a bit rambling but realised lots has happened recently - my tiredness is probably not helping!

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

My new man

Ops I've not blogged for a while it's been a busy few weeks lots to catch up on but today I'll tell all about the new man in my life!
I've been umming and ahhing over getting a cat for a long time - but once I told the monkeys we were getting one I had to stick to my word. Now we have our very own home and I know we are settled then it felt right. I phoned the RSPCA we got assessed and within 48 hours we were picking Bubbles up. He's about 8 months old but no one knows for sure as he was a stray. I knew it might take him some time to settle in but no he was in and happy within an hour - he's got a lovely temperament and is at this moment sat on my knee which is his favourite place. The monkeys love him and he loves playing with them. Even my mum seems to be a bit smitten. 48 hours in he's made himself at home and made our new house feel even more like our home.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Why I love this house

Ten reasons why I absolutely love our new home:
1. Our garden - perfect patio for drinking wine and eating, and a lovely garden for the monkeys to play in. 
2. I've been able to buy new items as its ours and I don't plan ever to move again (new sofas, tv, dining table) things I love not just make do.

3. Extra space - the conservatory is brilliant.
4. Kitchen cupboards - lots of them
5. Washing machine in the kitchen - not in a cold garage
6. Following on from point 5 - a space above the washing machine to sort laundry - something deeply satisfying about clean laundry 
7. The chance to redecorate and make the monkeys bedrooms perfect
8. Having such a great cycle way 30 seconds away - already used it lots

9. Being able to hang the washing in the garden (ok I might have gone a bit mad on the washing reasons)

10. It is all mine and it feels like our home already - I just LOVE it.

Friday, 16 August 2013

One week in

We are all settling into the house - furniture has been built, homes have been found for things and it really is beginning to feel like home.
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day, we had a trip to buy school shoes - relatively pain free. Then had a walk on "the lines" a long pathway that follows the old railway lines - it is going to be a great place to run and cycle when we finally get ourselves moving again - or to rephrase when I get myself moving and stop being so damn lazy.
A friend and her little girl visited in the afternoon and it was lovely to watch the monkeys all playing in the garden.
I managed to get lots of washing on the line.

Something that was impossible in our old home. Garden has not been touched yet but luckily it will be easy to keep under control.
I spent Friday evening in the garden drinking wine, eating pizza and reading - a very chilled out night after a busy week ..... I just won't mention the leak from the bathroom!
My friend bought me this as a house warming gift - it sums this house up perfectly.

Friday, 9 August 2013

The start of something wonderful

I'm sat on my lovely new sofa in my lovely new house. The monkeys are tucked up in their new bedrooms fast asleep - the past few days of sorting and doing my best with what we have so far has worked they are both really happy - and I'm so happy to have them both home.
There's a few more things to sort over this weekend but by Monday I think the boxes will be unpacked.
I've had a few surprises since I've moved in and some jobs need doing but that's fine - this is our house its not a rush job we are going to be here for a long time.
This is the picture of my lounge on Weds.
By the end of this weekend it's going to look very different.
Hosting the first gathering here tomorrow as it's my Mum's birthday - so the fridge is full of yummy food and chilled wine.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Woo hooooooo

It has finally happened the day that at one point I never thought would come - I own my own house again. After waiting and waiting I got a call Tuesday saying we hope to complete tomorrow - and that was that 24 hours later the house was mine.
I picked the keys up after work and it was such a funny feeling - the excitement and woah I'm responsible for this feeling all rolled into one. I can't move in til next week - but I will be taking quite a few before pictures because I will have plenty of things to do to keep me busy. So next week it will be roll my sleeves up time and get scrubbing and moving. 
The monkeys are currently with their Dad so I will have a few days to get their bedrooms looking as lovely as possible in the circumstances.
Now I'm off for a little adventure of my own.

Sunday, 28 July 2013


My plan was not to write a post until I'd moved - but as you've guessed that hasn't happened .... yet. I'm trying to stay positive and doing ok most of the time - fingers crossed one more week. 
Hopefully next time I update I will have some good news.
On a positive I had a lovely day in Lytham with the monkeys and mum - we made the most of the sunshine.
Then headed through Blackpool (did not stop!) and had an hour in Bispham it was lovely and we even managed to find the 2p machines.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Sunshine please stay

I'm happy to say that Sunday was a much happier day in our house. We headed off to the park with our ginormous picnic blanket, bats and balls and some brunch supplies. I managed to sit down for 5 minutes - which is better than nothing.
We came home for lunch and I "encouraged" everyone to have a little siesta - I played the it's too hot outside card and it worked a treat - all of us had a lovely guilt free nap.
My mum came round and I did a bit of gardening and we had tea outside - it was a lovely end to the weekend.
It's St Swithins day today and the weather today dictates the next 40 days - it would be brilliant if summer really did stay.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

I wish every day was like today

This is how every Saturday should be. Swimming lessons, then off to a party, then for the monkeys to play for hours with their friends (in and out of the paddling pool) whilst us adults got to sit down and catch up, home for tea in the garden and after a very quick shower two exhausted monkeys who were asleep as soon as their heads touched the pillows.
Now I'm enjoying a cup of tea (the only disaster is there is no wine in the house) the place is tidy and I'll be going to bed at a respectable time to catch up on some much need sleep.

I'm editing this post - the above makes us sound like we've had an idyllic day and we have from 10:45am when we exited the house to go swimming. However from being woken by a certain person at 5:30am til going out it felt like hours (which thinking about it it was!!) the monkeys were loud and argumentative and I wished that a second adult would magically appear and either give me a 10 minute break or make me a brew. Being a single mummy is the hardest thing I've ever done but the reason I started this blog was to remember the good parts of our lives (if I focused on the first 5 hours of the day it wouldn't be great) but the last 8 hours were brilliant. 

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Perfect night

With the sun shining and the days lasting longer I don't always feel that we make the most of it. Sometimes making plans in advance makes us get up and do things - and even better if we can rope our friends in too. Tonight we picked Sue up after work and headed to Burrs to feed the ducks and play on the park. It was lovely to enjoy the countryside and I was surprised how quiet it was. Then we went out for tea - the pub had a lovely big garden with a bouncy castle and play area - there were just a handful of families and us, the monkeys ran about and made new friends (which was lovely to watch) Sue and I enjoyed a very well deserved glass of wine. It was a perfect night. Blue monkey was that exhausted by all the fun he fell asleep on the way up the stairs.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Lots to do

My posts haven't been as frequent recently but I've been so busy with the monkeys, work and starting to get things sorted for the move - because if everything goes to plan in just over 2 weeks - so I've started packing, and decluttering. I feel really worried that something is going to go wrong but I really hope 3rd time lucky.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Bit of a change

After spending a great night with my friends I walked away realising that maybe I needed a bit of a boost and a little bit of a pamper - I didn't want to be the knackered friend (but I think that's what I looked like the other night). So i booked a hair appointment - plan was just to get it tided up but my hairdresser had other ideas - and I'm so glad she did. Funny how things turn out - it was the boost I needed. Now if I could just lose a stone as easily....

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


This is my little spot on the World Wide Web - I gave up FB years ago and had never ventured onto twitter - but not any more I've signed up and I'm enjoying finding my way around. Already I've tweeted4atable - a new dining concept at work and tonight the girls got a yummy free tea and enjoyed a glass of fizz sat on the balcony after work. I look forward to finding out what else twitter has to offer.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Making choices

For the past 6 years I've had the same job, I've turned into the person I used to look at and think why don't you move onwards and upwards I was I admit a little bit smug. I thought I'd always be moving forwards, grabbing the next opportunity but then life changed. Firstly I had the monkeys 2 lots of maternity leave in 2 years, dropped down to 4 days (part time working at its best - 20% less pay 0% change in workload!) and then I became single - I still work really hard the majority of the time I love my job and I am still career driven. This week though I had to make a decision - there is an opening in the role above, the job is brilliant, the money would be fab, BUT it's full time that 1 extra day in the office (and its managing a team). I made my mind up I was going for it - CV written, chats had, positive feedback got, my kids wouldn't really mind mummy working that 1 extra day - it wouldn't bother them. But deep down I knew it would bother them and it'd bother me - I would end up not happy at home not happy at work - the bank manager would probably be the only happy one. So I pulled out of the race - and I feel relieved. My job works for me and it works for the monkeys - so for a while longer I'll be the person I never thought I would be - but then again does anyone really understand the impact of kids pre-kids? 
I haven't got the perfect work life balance but as a family we seem to be doing ok - and that's all that matters to me.

Monday, 10 June 2013


Being single with 2 gorgeous but incredibly mischievous monkeys means that I've holidayed with my Mum and friends in the past it's meant we've been able to go away and I've had the adult company and also help with them both. But relying on others can make you feel a little bit rubbish at times - it's a difficult one to explain - and it's certainly nothing to do with those people I go away with we have a fab time. Sometimes being a single parent is just a bit hard - you can feel like the odd one out dragging 2 kids behind. Anyway I've taken the plunge - a massive leap into the unknown and booked the 3 of us into a caravan in Devon for 5 days - no friends or mum in the room or caravan next door. Just me and them - I'm not sure if this is a genius idea or pure madness but there's only one way to find out. I hope this proves we can do it alone - I'm looking forward to it just the 3 of us - roll on August.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Dairy Free Baking

I love making cakes for others - I couldn't possibly eat everything I bake (although I'd give it a good go). I take cakes into work but my manager complains as she can't eat dairy so this weekend I thought I'd try something that she could eat. I found a dairy free raspberry and coconut muffin recipe online. They were so easy to make - I've tested one (just incase they looked good but tasted bad) but if I say so myself they are yummy.

Monday, 3 June 2013


As soon as the sun comes out everything seems better and nicer. I've had an extra couple of days off work this week and we've made the most of the sunshine. We've done a lot of walking and park visiting. Today I even encouraged blue monkey to walk up Holcombe Hill - although he did say never again Mummy. 
I had my friends round for takeaway over the weekend and then they treated us to brunch out on Sunday which was really nice.
My new dining table has arrived - and I love it. I can now fit 6 people easily - oh and if I want more then no problem I can extend it. I can't wait to host my first big dinner party for my friends.

Saturday, 1 June 2013


Today we've been gifted a trampoline and not only that a man to come and build it for us. I have 2 very happy monkeys - I'm hoping the sun will continue to shine and they'll use it lots.

Monday, 20 May 2013

The best Monday ever?

I'm a "fake" aunty again - I've no siblings so take this role very importantly. My best friend has had a very beautiful baby girl and both her and mummy are doing well. I can't wait to have cuddles.

I know my life is an rollercoaster sometimes but I've found another house - one that is better than the last. My offer has been accepted and I really hope it's 3rd time lucky.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Scared of Heights?

Years ago I had a go at rock climbing and it was a disaster - 2ft off the ground I decided I was scared of heights and that was the end of it. Over the years I've done things to prove that my fear of heights isn't really that bad - but I've never since climbed until today. Friends decided to take blue monkey to a climbing centre as a birthday treat. He was a natural - although as usual his attention span is short - but he got up the wall a few times. I decided to have a go as well - and as I refuse to show I'm scared infront of the monkeys I knew I had to get to the top at least once - but I loved it, at points I'd glance down and think ohhh that's high but then carry on. I admit we were on the smaller of the walls - but they were still 30ft so if we'd have fallen it would have hurt. I can't wait to go again - not sure if I'd trust myself with the knots but I would love another go.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Things happen for a reason.

Today the house purchase finally collapsed - the strangest thing was it was me who finally said enough I'm walking away. But I am a great believer in things happen for a reason and that house was definately not meant for us.
On a much brighter note I got an order for the map hanging heart I made yesterday, I got invited out for tea, my lovely friend has been scouring the shop shelves buying all of us a coke bottle with our name on it and I got mine today. And all my friends at work were so supportive about the house. I certainly don't feel down I feel like the right decision has been made - onwards and upwards.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Blue Monkeys Creations

Blue monkey loves his Lego, he built this and gave me strict instructions to take a picture as he was so proud of his "police station" and I'm proud of him for making it. The monkeys are at their Dad's this weekend and I'm missing them a lot.

Friday, 10 May 2013

No more nappies!

With last week giving us 5 days of no nursery I thought it was about time pink monkey tried to start going on the potty. Oh my goodness pink monkey was a complete star - apart from the odd accident - that's it nappies in the bin, big girl knickers on. Nothing stressful at all - not like blue monkey training him lasted weeks if not months. But that's the joy of kids both are completely different.
I'm really proud of pink and blue this week (blue has been fantastic at school) and I give myself a big pat on the back (for both of them being stars) - well no one else will!!

Monday, 6 May 2013

We love the sunshine

What a great end to the bank holiday weekend -lots and lots of sun. We met up with a friend and her little girl who is the same age as pink monkey and went to Heaton Park (I think it's classed as one of the largest parks in Europe). Half of Manchester must have had the same idea it was unbelievably busy - we promised the monkeys ice cream and had to stand in a 20 min queue to stick to our word. But we got a spot on the grass the monkeys played ball and had a great time. As usual the sun comes out and I get burnt - my back is lobster red. Pink monkey is doing fantastically well at potty training - pat on the back to both of us I think (oh and to blue monkey for being a very encouraging big brother).
It's been a great weekend - life is getting so much easier now they are both getting bigger.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Sunshine and Salsa

The sun has finally arrived and it has definately lifted my spirits - everything seems better when the sun is out and we can get into the garden.

I've finally started potty training pink monkey I bit the bullet put her in knickers and hoped for the best. She was busy playing in the garden and had an accident so brought her inside stripped her completely off and told her to wait for a minute whilst I got her some new clothes - I came back downstairs to find she'd put her shoes back on and was running round the garden naked - it was one of the cutest sights.

Monkeys had a sleepover at Nanna's last night and I went out salsa-ing with my friends - last time I went I was rubbish and this time although not much better I relaxed and enjoyed it much more.

Today we're off to a christening - and keeping fingers crossed the sun stays for all of the bank holiday weekend.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Baby Shower

My gorgeous friend is going to have a baby in the next couple of weeks so 4 of us got together for a baby shower/pampering session yesterday. We booked Sharessa and Caroline from Leighton House Beauty in Ashton to come to the house and give us a variety of treatments. I had the facial and it was the most relaxing time - I will definately be booking in for another one soon. We served up tapas dishes - the non pregnant in the group drank wine - and Katy had made the most yummy cakes. It was a perfect Saturday - the mum to be felt pampered and is now ready to welcome baby number 2 to the household...

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Very Productive Night

I've had 2 requests for pictures this week and tonight I finally got chance to make them both. I'm really pleased how they turned out - and feedback off my friends who have been here has been positive. The one for the baby boy is slightly different to those I've done before but I think it works well. The girls one is my standard one I've made a few times now. I have got quite a few ideas of others if like to try.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


I think I won the award for grumpiest person at work today - I actually think I'll win it all week I just know its one of those weeks. Luckily being at home is a different thing - monkeys are (touch wood) being brilliant. Blue monkey is doing lots of maths - he's got his mothers brains! - and pink monkey has started drawing shapes she's even getting good at faces - she probably gets her art skills from me (got to take as much credit as possible!)
Anyway tomorrow is a new day and I should stick a smile on my face like pink monkeys

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Rain or shine

Today we went off to the zoo - sun was shining and picnic was packed. Picked up my mum on the way and headed over to Chester. Unfortunately the sun did not last but we had a great time even if it was raining. We all loved the orangutans, blue monkey loved the bat cave and pink monkey loved the baby elephants (they were very cute).
It's been a great fun packed weekend -back to work tomorrow to relax.

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Party time

My big monkey is nearly 5 and today was party time. This year he wrote his guest list - so it was a whole new bunch of friends, a new group he's made at school. It was a great afternoon I'm so proud of him.

Sunday, 14 April 2013


An afternoon out with my Mum, Aunty and cousins is full of laughter and fun. There's not many of us - but we all get on and that's all that matters.